Thursday, July 28, 2011

#068/100 Pussy/Empress

when our slit love rains down the solitary pole, your fate is burial in mud.
in a realm of moist suffocation: your eyes bulging in a toy princess's oath
of eternal love, her breasts her cunt a warped net over your bloody face.
breathe trash breathe death breathe the laughing skeletons, which hover
above your burial site to dance a curious dance. 'here lies a young man
who choked on pussy juice,' they chirp. 'see the scars on his back from
a candy-laden whip.' & i, now a passer-by, shovel dirt over your grave &
tread until the soil bleeds. your princess can come & clean it up like she
always does. spank you like a servant to her mother Empress Dowager.

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