Sunday, June 19, 2011

#030/100 Wall

I'm in love with a man in granular paint & he washes down the wall that I breathe. In the afternoon when water drips from my fingertips & bamboo sprawling to shield. At midnight he evaporates into vodka haze in a faraway place; I slip into drone to rock it, rock it like a tunnel pierced by canary. 

Every night I crave for the gun in my stomach. He does not know about it, for I have held him at life's length. Whenever he comes & sits in the light, I want to butcher myself to pull the trigger. Only then will he see the turmoil I live, in music of shattered time.

'Wall' is a variation of my post 'Retreat' at Meditations in an Emergency.


  1. Now this is awesome. Well you're always awesome. :)

  2. I love the easy flow here and the poetry of your prose!

  3. Terrific, Nicolette - as I say on FB: music surely, dark music with deep tones, undercurrents.
