Monday, June 6, 2011

#017/100 Heat

heat rips us apart into fragments. he tries so hard
to string himself back together, a puppet baptized
in dirt. at every creak i snap my fingers & watch
him sink once again to the ground. his limbs split
open--his arms, then his legs--& the crack dives
deep into his crotch. 'there must be better parting
words for you to say,' i reach out to draw a few
circles in the air. but his eyes are already popping
out while he shakes his head, a tad too violently.
'no, no, no,' he mutters & turns into a scramble of
paint, glass eyes & shards of wood. so i put my
flesh & skin back on & walk off. i have not laughed
so hard in a long time.

inspiration: COH - Near You

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